AB vs the World

The Antonio Brown show

In case you haven’t heard, ex-NFL superstar Antonio Brown has gone from one of the greatest and respectively one of the most  feared wide receivers to one of the most hated athletes in sports. The antonio Brown saga started back in July when he froze his toes using a cryotherapy machine and wasn’t going to be able to partake in training camp, at least for the beginning. The effects of the spotlight effect began to creep up on Antonio Brown, now in the NFL most athletes are always under the spotlight so its easy to misconstrue this term with actually being under the spotlight. But more often than not athletes take to the social media outlet twitter to voice their opinions which makes them fall victim to the spotlight effect.  

Antonio Brown was quick to head to twitter to share his feelings on not practicing through training camp and just had arrogant comments to make towards the NFL. There was an interview with his former Team’s QB Ben Roethlisburger and Brown chose to fire back on twitter saying how Ben is “two face” and isn’t “His friend” because Brown felt the need to do so because Brown believes that everything in the end is centered around him. Its clear that the spotlight effect has affected brown because after his departure from the NFL everything just kept on moving as if he was never really there yet he keeps on causing drama.  But Brown also thinks like this because he is a Narcissist. Brown has said in the past that “He doesn’t need the game, The game needs him”.  Brown has gone against a couple of players on twitter in the past couple days starting trouble about how much he’s better than them for no apparent reason at all. 

Brown also speaks in third person, hes taken to twitter and said “The game needs me like im test answers”, hes also said it in a live interview. Hes also said “ im the best why stop now”, he sees no fault in his errors and was even quick to bash his own former teammate Juju smith-shister because he began to get some well deserved recognition.


Shaquil Jones

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