New Technology, Who Dis?

       Mental illness is something that is becoming more and more common – especially depression. It is something that is diagnosed in a majority of people seeking therapy. However, with new forms of technology, it is allowing us to view and experience the new ways in which MRI scanning can recognize many different, distinct brain characteristics to reveal the brain’s symptoms of depression (Paddock, 2019). According to the article, “New MRI Scans Reveal Brain Features of Depression”, written by Catharine Paddock, she states that researchers have found that their observations of the brain with using this new technology will aid in finding deeper knowledge on depression and how it affects one’s brain (Paddock, 2019). In addition, they are also hoping to find out more about the proper treatments that can help to cure someone with depression (Paddock, 2019). Specifically, one of the newest MRI’revealed differences in the blood barrier (BBB) and the other MRI found many other differences in the brain’s strategic network of connections (Paddock, 2019). BBB is a set of distinctive properties in the brain’s blood vessels that permit them to control the movement of molecules and cells between them and the tissues that they serve (Paddock, 2019). Similarly, depression is more than just a feeling of sadness in someone’s day-to-day life  (Paddock, 2019). It can actually turn into a serious issue for someone, leading to self-harm and even suicide (Paddock, 2019). Suicide is the most severe form of depression that can hopefully be reduced by the new MRI techniques (Paddock, 2019). A recent presentation, founded by RSNA 2019, concluded that depression affects more than 264 million people worldwide (World Health Organization, 2019; as cited in Paddock, 2019). The most common type of depression is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (Paddock, 2019). Typically, someone with MDD tends to feel hopeless, fatigue, and loss of attentiveness to certain activities that were once easily performed (Paddock, 2019). Kenneth T. Wengler, a researcher who works in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University, examined connections between MDD and changes to BBB (Paddock ,2019). His research resulted in the finding that current treatments for MDD have a high relapse rate (Paddock, 2019). Therefore, this result being the reason why utilizing this new technology is pertinent. We would be able to use this new technology as a tool to find better treatments for depression – ones without a high relapse rate. 

       After reading this article, you may be thinking about the sense of motivation that is being exhibited by the researchers for those with depression. How can someone be so motivated to do something with no favor in return? An explanation for this would be altruism. Altruism refers to the idea of being determined and motivated to grow the well-being of another person without thinking about oneself and how you can benefit from it. In this instance, the researchers are exhibiting altruism. With this new technology, their immediate response to it was to use it to help find more effective treatments for people with depression. No where in the article did they mention how this new technology can help advance their careers as researchers; although it can, the researchers are not aware of it as they are too focused on and motivated as to how it can help those with depression. 


       Another concept that relates to this theory is the idea of having a superordinate goal. A superordinate goal is defined as a goal that is shared across multiple people that requires cooperation and ignores the differences between the multiple people working on this same, shared goal. The idea of having a superordinate goal can relate to the conversations being had and the discoveries in this news article. Between the researchers, doctors, and medical professionals working and researching on this new technology – they all share a superordinate goal. They do because the work they are doing requires cooperation amongst all of the members of the research team. If cooperation is not present, they would be unable to continue to find the benefits of this new technology and the advancements that come with it. In addition, this news article also exhibits evidence of a superordinate goal because no matter the amount/kind of education, gender, or race of each research member – they are all sharing a common goal. That is, finding new treatments that are more effective and helpful to people with depression. Therefore, since they share such motivation towards this common goal already, their levels of status and differences do not individually or collectively matter to them. For example, the author of this article is a female and she included information and advancements for this new technology founded by men. Although they are of different genders, Paddock did not pay attention to this gender difference due to the motivation and cooperation that all three of them have to help find better treatments with the new technology. 



Paddock, C. (2019, December 4). New MRI scans reveal brain features of depression. Retrieved December 5, 2019, from

Carmela Piccolo

America’s Got Prejudice, Sexism, Discrimination…. and Talent

Johnny G.

agt america's got talent hough unionOn the week of November 20th, it was announced that Gabrielle Union and Julianne Hough would not be returning to judge America’s Got Talent. Whether they were fired or quit depends on the article you read, but the reason behind them not coming back has roots in prejudice and discrimination towards women especially. Prejudice is defined as a negative judgement towards a group and its members and discrimination is taking an action based on those judgments. It has been reported that coworkers at America’s Got Talent have made hurtful remarks towards Union and Hough which lead to them leaving the show.
Union reported that the work environment of AGT was “toxic” and was made to feel uncomfortable by the “excessive notes on her and Hough’s physical appearance, as well as a racially insensitive joke made by Jay Leno.” (Goldstein 2019, It seems apparent that the people at America’s Got Talent have a history with prejudice and sexism towards women, because comedian/former judge Howard Stern has released a statement defending Union and Hough. After calling AGT ‘the ultimate boys club,” Stern stated, “He (Simon Cowell) sets it up that the men stay. No matter how ugly they are, no matter how old they are, no matter how fat they are, no matter how talentless they are.” (Nakamura 2019, It has been well documented that, especially in Hollywood, men are judged based on their talent and women are judged on how long they can stay young and attractive looking. With that comes a pattern of discrimination towards women as they get older, and in order for true equality to be reached, this idea needs to stop.


-Reid Nakamura. “Howard Stern Calls ‘AGT’ the ‘Ultimate Boys Club,’ Blames Simon Cowell for Gabrielle Union Ouster”, The Wrap. December 2nd, 2019.
-Joelle Goldstein. “Gabrielle Union Complained About Racism at AGT Before Being Fired Alongside Julianne Hough: Reports”, People. November 27th, 2019.



DeMarcus and his Baby Mama Drama

DeMarcus Cousins is a well known professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers. According to an article in the New York Times, he was recently accused of choking and threatening to shoot a woman. The woman is known to be his ex-girlfriend with whom he shares a child with. She has requested a protective order against him due to his frightening actions. He had threatened to shoot her the day before his own wedding. The news website TMZ released an audio recording of a phone call said to be of DeMarcus threatening to shoot the woman if she did not let their child attend his wedding. She had also added in the court filings that he had choked her in the past. She claims that he said he would shoot her in the head “even if he didn’t have to get his hands dirty doing it.” 

This situation enhances social aggression from DeMarcus. Social aggression is aggressive behavior that contributes to physical or emotional harm towards a target. People who are social aggressive may be irritable, impulsive, angry and even violet just like DeMarcus. There are reasons behind as to why he showed this type of behavior. Aggression usually occurs when one wants to express anger, assert dominance, express possession, or to simply threaten and scare someone in order to get what they want. He clearly showed this social aggression because he was angry at the woman for not agreeing to allow their son at his wedding. He wanted to be in control and was unable to which is a main reason he went to the extreme of the threat. 

Another concept that this story enhances is social trap. Any situation where what looks like a good choice for someone at the moment turns out to be the wrong choice for those around them. At the spur of the moment, DeMarcus probably thought that his threat was good because it would scare her and he would get what he wanted which was for his son to attend his wedding. A father who wants his son there is nothing bad at all! He did it a good intention but he failed to realize that his actions were unjust. This case ended up affecting those around him. A spokeswoman for the Lakers said “We are aware of the allegations involving DeMarcus Cousins and, of course, take this claim seriously. We are in the process of gathering information and will reserve further comment at this time.” This would put bad attention on the team since he is a part of it which shows the concept of social trap. 


Yamilex Bello


Blog Post 3, Group 5, Colin Kaepernick

Sanub Sinclair(G5)

In 2016, Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem before the start of football games as a protest against social injustice. He started a trend over the National Football League where other players joined, and even full teams staying inside the locker room to support Kaepernick. This event started an uproar in the NFL and branched out into national news. Many people agreed and followed in his footsteps, others like Donald Trump did not, who said that it was “unpatriotic and disrespectful.” Which led to him becoming a free agent after the 2016 season and still to this day, remains unsigned. After 3 years, the NFL has finally agreed to give Kaepernick a tryout or workout where all 32 teams are welcomed. Invited to observe if Kaepernick is still capable of league play. The NFL had arranged the tryout at the Atlanta Falcons training facility, but at the last minute the quarterback’s representatives moved the workout to a high school stadium so media could be present. It is believed that not all 32 teams showed up for the workout, however people that showed up were not against him joining the league again. However, nobody wants to take the chance on signing him and having that backlash from those who do not agree, politics. 

One concept that I chose to incorporate with this article was conflict. Conflict is when you come into collision or disagreement with an opposing party, a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. To relate it back to the Colin Kaepernick issue, first look, the conflict is between Colin and the NFL but if you look into it deeper, it is a conflict between him and society. Not everyone is against Colin and his beliefs, but a large amount of society does not agree with his actions. With the fans who love America and everything it stands for, Colin’s actions is a “spit in the face” to them, so therefore the NFL has to listen. It’s like the saying “customers are always right”, they can’t ignore the fans comments because that is how the NFL makes their money and if that one player is getting in the way of their money, something must be done in anyway to preserve money and keep fans happy. Even though it was for a good cause, and behind closed doors most people agree then out loud in public, how would an organization look for having an athlete on their roster who disrespects the national anthem?

Another concept that I choose to relate to the article is mediation. Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution resolving disputes between two or more parties, it can be used to resolve disputes of any magnitude with communication. To relate it back to the Colin Kaepernick story, the mediation in it is getting Kaepernick that workout. After years of fighting society and the NFL and all there criticism he has always been in the picture someway, somehow. Whether is it being in a nike ad or social media, or the NFL giving hope that he will return just to shut it back down with no teams signing him. It has been 3 years since Kaepernick has been on an NFL team, and the longer the delay, the least likely chance he will get signed. However, the National Football League and Kaepernick and his representatives came to an agreement where both parties agreed, by offering a workout where teams can see the former San Francisco 49ers star display his talents in hopes of getting signed and re entering the league. 


Works Cited Page


Cherry, G. (2019, November 17). Colin Kaepernick ‘ready to play anywhere’ after NFL tryout. Retrieved from

Internet Stupidity

Basketball star Dwayne Wade has a son, Zion, who is 12 years old and has come out as gay a few months back. Him and his wife, Gabrielle Union, have been openly supportive of their son by attending pride parades for example. Dwayne Wade made a statement to Variety Magazine saying, “I think as a family we should support each other. That’s our job. And my job as a father is to facilitate their lives and to support them and be behind them in whatever they want to do.”

A few days ago, the family took a photo and posted it to social media. The photo shows Zion wearing a cropped shirt and long, painted nails. Many people online started to criticize Zion for his feminine appearance because he is a boy. They also started to criticize his parents’ parenting because they “allow” him to have this appearance. According to Allure, some of the comments include, “why does his son have his nails done and dressed like a girl?” and “I’ve lost all respect for D Wade.”

The comments that were made about Zion are a form of cyberbullying and prejudice. Cyberbullying occurs when someone is bullying or harassing somebody using some type of electronic platform. People are saying harsh things about him on social media since he’s very open about his sexuality and because he chooses to dress more feminine. Prejudice is shown when people have unfavorable opinions about a person or a group of people. In this case, people are sharing their negative feelings about people who are gay. Since Zion is 12 years old, they believe he shouldn’t have this sexuality at a young age and should be dressing like a “normal boy.” Although these comments are harsh, Zion and his family remain unbothered and happy.

Boren, Cindy. “Dwyane Wade Shuts down Internet ‘Stupidity’ over Son’s Look in Family Photo.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 2 Dec. 2019,

Haller, Sonja. “Dwyane Wade Details Supporting Son at Miami Pride, Tells Parents: ‘Get to Know Your Kids’.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 18 June 2019,

Robin, Marci. “Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade’s 12-Year-Old Son Wore Fake Nails, and Some Idiots Got Upset About It.” Allure, Allure, 2 Dec. 2019,


Kiara B.

The Invasion of Republicans

About three weeks ago the impeachment hearings for President Donald Trump began. This . has been a historical event. However, despite Democrats and Republicans trying their best to make this fair, it has been nothing short of dramatic.

In late October over 20 US Republican lawmakers stormed the secure hearing area where the Democrats were holding the meeting. They stormed in, some using phones to breach privacy, and “even [ordered] a pizza at lunchtime” (BBC, 2019, para. 8). The interruption caused a five-hour

Republicans rallying moments before invading the confidential inquiry hearing. Photo by Paul Semansky

delay in Laura Cooper’s deposition. Cooper is “a Defense Department official who deals with Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia” (Becket, Segars, Watson, & Tillett, 2019, para. 3).

How did it escalate to this, you ask? Well, the Republican lawmakers felt that it was unfair that only members of committees and “authorized staff members” (Becket et al., 2019, para. 4) are allowed to attend these hearings. However, as it turns out, 40 of those Republicans were actually allowed to attend these hearings due to their membership in the “ House Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees” (BBC, 2019, para. 12) which are the committees running the hearings.

Republican Representative Jim Jordan stated, “”It’s finally reached the point where members just said [Republicans are] so frustrated at the idea that they can’t be a part of this and see what’s going on.” David Myers and Jean Twenge (2018) state “frustration is anything that blocks us from attaining a goal” (p. 250). The Republicans’ goal that is being blocked is their access into this secure hearing. They are also frustrated because they feel as though Democrats have the upper hand on the hearings because they are conducting it and Adam Schiff, a Democrat, is leading the inquiry (BBC, 2019). 

The Republicans’ frustration from being excluded turned into an aggressive act of storming the hearing. Myers and Twenge (2018) identify this phenomenon with as the frustration-aggression theory which is “the theory that frustration triggers a readiness to aggress” (p. 262). It’s important to note the Republicans’ frustration only turned into aggression only because they felt the committees and Democrats would have acted differently by allowing access to all lawmakers at the start of the inquiries. Fortunately, the Republicans’ aggression did not escalate into violence. They were trying to prove a point that both Democrats and Republicans should be able to witness the hearings.

As time goes on with the hearings, more lawmakers will be allowed clearance to sit in on the hearings. However, the Republicans and Democrats need to put their differences aside in order for these impeachment hearings to be successful.

Shannon Roberson


Becket, S., Segars G., Watson K., and Tillett E. (2019, October 23). Republicans storm impeachment hearing room, delaying testimony. CBS News. Retrieved from

Myers, D. G., Twenge, J.M. (2018). Exploring Social Psychology (Eighth Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Semansky, P. (2019). Trump impeachment. Associated Press. Retrieved from

Trump impeachment: Republicans storm secure hearing. (2019, October 24). BBC NewsRetrieved from


“Cancel Culture” Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick, who is known for taking a knee to protest racial injustice, is in the news again after his agents say the NFL is refusing to try him out. Colin Kaepernick’s saga took another turn with the NFL after an arranged workout and a quick dash 60 miles to the other side of metro Atlanta, where the exiled quarterback staged his own impromptu passing display on a high school field in dwindling light as hundreds of fans cheered him on from behind a chain-link fence.

Kaepernick stated: “I’ve been ready for three years. I’ve been denied for three years. We all know why. I came out here today and showed it in front of everybody. We have nothing to hide. We’re waiting for the 32 owners, the 32 teams, Roger Goodell, all of them to stop running, stop running from the truth, stop running from the people.”

Kaepernick has been effectively blackballed by the NFL as punishment for his protests during the national anthem to call attention to police brutality against people of color and economic disparity.

This situation can be a theory of aggression to a response of frustration in regards to Kaepernick being frustrated with not having the chance to work for three years in the NFL. That being said, his action toward wanting his practice and workout to be recorded could have been out of frustration with waiting for his come back approach after that time and being denied the ability to do so could have been the trigger in his action to make his own workout and practice.

The main and overall theory that is brought up from all of this over the last three years was the discrimination that went on towards Kaepernick. Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. From the moment he kneeled during the national anthem, He is a person being denied employment opportunities in the NFL. His personhood is being persecuted for protesting on behalf of people unprotected in our society. People who have been unjustly killed by police officers with virtual impunity.

Colin Kaepernick knew that he was being exiled from the National Football League for publicly protesting against the American pastime of violence.



Rowing into Friendships and Confidence

Getting into college is challenging, but trying to get in on a rowing scholarship is even harder. According to a news article in the New York Times, written by Juliet Macur, for Sebastiana Lopez, it is more challenging than it ever has been. Currently, Lopez is a high school senior, 17 years old, and she is the leader of a rowing team. Ever since she was an eighth grader, she signed up for a nonprofit organization, Row New York. This organization’s main goal is to teach underprivileged New York City students how to row and at the same time give them academic support and college counseling that they may not be able to afford if they didn’t get into this program. Sebastiana was motivated to join because she loves rowing and she wanted to boost her resume, but she also knew that it was going to be difficult for her family to support her financially if she got accepted into any college.

Row New York doesn’t just give underprivileged students the ability to gain scholarships, but they also defy many stereotypes that are attached to rowing as a sport. A stereotype is an overly fixed idea, or image, of a certain group of people or thing. In other words, people attach a certain idea that they formed over time to a person or thing, but it may not necessarily be true. In this case, many of the Row New York teams go against the usual stereotypes of rowing as a sport. Whenever people usually look at the sport of rowing they see it as a sport for the wealthy, since all of the equipment is expensive, and for the white, because those are the only people you see in competitions these days. Many of the people that are registered rowers in the United States are identified as white but, Lopez’s teammates are the opposite of this stereotype. “Lopez’s teammates are first-generation Americans… with parents from countries like Mexico, China, Ecuador and Belize, and several are immigrants” (Macur). This is a stereotype because whenever people think of the sport of rowing, they associate the wealthy to it. This is due to the fact that the sporting equipment is expensive and, the competition locations are far away which would mean that you need to be able to afford to go across the country for tournaments. Also, most of the rowers that are registered are white, which has been like this for a long time, but what they don’t know is that there are more and m

ore people of color that are rowing as well. The public has been forming their opinion on this for a while, which means they are less likely to believe that the times are changing due to these stereotypes. The girls that are in this organization are from different neighborhoods that are located all over New York City, and they are extremely determined to change their lives for the better. Lopez herself also defies the stereotype in many ways. She is from Queens, and she lives in a three-bedroom apartment with her parents, who are Mexican immigrants, and her two younger brothers. She knows that her parents work extremely hard in order to support her family as well. Her father works 13 hours a day to support his family and her mother works long hours in a nail salon. This only makes Sebastiana work even harder to achieve her own goals not just for herself, but for her family as well.

This program is not just for getting a good scholarship and doing well on standardized tests, it is also a way for the youth that do join to make friends. Most of these students feel a need to belong to some group so that they can “get away from the pressures of their daily lives” (Macur). The feeling of needing to belong is also a kind of motivation to get to know others and form relationships that provide positive effects in the long run. Arshay Cooper, the program’s chief community and youth engagement officer, said that when he was on a rowing team in the program “he and his teammates used the sport to escape the hardships in their neighborhoods” (Macur). Sebastiana also felt like the rowing team helped shape her into a better version of herself. She was very shy before she made the team, and she was also very afraid of swimming, she failed her swim test two times, but her teammates helped support her by telling her that she could do it. Her teammate, Naya Clark, said “I’m here for you, and you got it!” (Macur). Now, Sebastiana and Naya are best friends. This one interaction made the feeling of needing to belong draw her to the group even more. She felt like she wanted to belong in this group of people that bring each other up and want to bring the best out of each other, this was something that she never experienced before. The friendships that she built over time helped keep her involved, and made her even more invested in what her group was doing and going to achieve in the future. Lopez herself even said “they trusted me. It makes you feel like you matter and belong” (Macur). Now, Sebastiana Lopez feels like her need to belong to a certain group helped motivate her into becoming best friends with everyone in her rowing team. She didn’t just gain a scholarship out of rowing, but she also gained her best friends and the confidence that she never knew she had.

Macur, Juliet. “She Wants to Row to Get From N.Y.C. Into College.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 Nov. 2019,

Ya Vape? Ya Lose

  Ya Vape? Ya Lose. 

 (Ridao, 2018)

       The dilemma of young adolescents recently investing not only their money, but potentially their life in vaping has swept the nation – leaving healthcare professionals concerned. In an article written by Aimee Cunningham she describes this recent phenomenon, specifically focusing on eight adolescents residing in Wisconsin who were recently hospitalized (Cunningham, 2019).  The hospitalization was in relation to these teens experiencing shortness of breath. Medical professionals were unclear about the direct cause of this shortness of breath. (Cunningham, 2019). However, they did find one common trend amongst each of the eight teenagers – vaping (Cunningham, 2019). 

       “It’s not surprising” said pediatric pulmonologist, Sharon McGrath-Morrow, in relation to this issue (McGrath-Morrow, 2019; as cited in Cunningham, 2019). She disclosed her findings of recent increasing cases of adolescents developing lung ailments (Cunningham, 2019). In addition, chief medical officer, Jonathan Meiman, even mentioned that these eight, hospitalized teens needed to be put on ventilators to help them breathe (Meiman, 2019; as cited in Cunningham, 2019). So, the important question to ask is: why do these adolescents engage in vaping behaviors despite the health risks associated with it? 

       The answer to this question is a term commonly known as “ingroup”. The term “ingroup” refers to a group of people who all have a sense of membership and belonging to the group by sharing similar identities. Therefore, more and more teens are taking up vaping because of the belonging they receive from an ingroup as a result of being a part of the world of vaping. In relation to the article, the hospitalized teens probably took up vaping due to the influence of peers around them who were also smoking – vaping being the identity everyone in the group shared. In order to be associated and accepted by the group, each of the teens conformed to a similar identity the group members shared thus, creating an example of the ingroup (Cunningham, 2019). A term that can also be related to this idea is ingroup favoritism. This is when an ingroup favors the ideas of their own group as opposed to the ideas of an out-group. In this case, the ingroup that shares the similar idea of vaping and using e-cigarettes probably favor this behavior over an out-groups non-vaping behavior. When there is an ingroup with teens using e-cigarettes, there is also an out-group, a group that doesn’t belong or doesn’t think the same. The out-group in this situation would be the people who think that e-cigarettes aren’t good for your health, and how they shouldn’t be used by adolescents. 

       In a peer-reviewed article entitled, “Vaping in Context: Links Among E-Cigarette Use, Social Status, and Peer Influence for College Students” written by Lacey N. Wallace and Michael J. Roche, they discuss a study that involved college students being influenced by the use of e-cigarettes (2018). The study looked at whether or not the amount a student vaped was dependent upon the number of friends they had in their social group and the social roles possessed in the group, such as being either quiet or outspoken (Wallace & Roche, 2018). In the study, the participants included 175 college students who were all asked a variety of questions about their past vaping behavior and interpersonal relationships (Wallace & Roche, 2018). The results of this study ended up showcasing that evidently, the number of friends someone has and the kind of role they have in a group does not have an effect on whether or not a person uses an e-cigarette (Wallace & Roche, 2018). Although, the study did also conclude that people who have more than one friend in a group who vape are more willing to accept and try an e-cigarette in the future (Wallace & Roche, 2018). This is in opposition to when a group only has one group member who vapes, the odds of a new group member vaping are not as strong (Wallace & Roche, 2018). Therefore, the results of this peer-reviewed article does relate to our overall topic and concept (Wallace & Roche, 2018). It does because the article is portraying that when someone has multiple group members in their ingroup who vape, they are more likely to vape themselves (Wallace & Roche, 2018).  This is due to the sense of belonging and group association that comes with being a part of an in-group (Wallace & Roche, 2018).  In this case, the more group members who vape, the better the likelihood new group members are to vape themselves (Wallace & Roche, 2018). Part of this can also be due to ingroup favoritism. This is because since new group members favor the ideas of their own ingroup over the ideas of other outgroups, they are even more likely to engage in the behaviors and interests shared amongst their ingroup. 



Cunningham, A. (2019, August 27). Vaping may have landed eight teens in the hospital. Retrieved November 23, 2019, from

Ridao, R. (2018, June 21). Photo by Rainier Ridao on Unsplash. Retrieved November 23, 2019, from 

Wallace, N.L., & Roche, J.M. (2018). Vaping in Context: Links Among E-cigarette Use, Social 


Carmela Piccolo



NCAA Acknowledge’s California Act.

Should college athletes get paid? This has been an ongoing question that many would agree with because the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) is making billions off of these athletes. The Fair Pay to Play Act is a bill that gives businesses the right to use an athlete’s identity for advertisement and lets the athletes receive compensation for it. According to The Washington Post, the new law has created a ton of publicity and has raised questions as to what other states would follow down the road. Professional athletes are in high hopes to see this act be put in effect because this is something that they wish that they had in college. The NCAA has considered working with the state of California to change the way they support athletes and make improvements on a national level through the NCAA’s rule-making process. 

While reading about athletes and the struggles they will overcome to pass the bill, this introduced the concept of bargaining which is pursuing a compromise to a disagreement using direct consultations between the parties, while athletes were trying hard to get the NCAA attention, the governor of California Gavin Newsom took matters into his own hands and signed the act because he stated that “Collegiate student-athletes put everything on the line — their physical health, future career prospects and years of their lives to compete. Colleges reap billions from these student-athletes’ sacrifices and success but, in the same breath, block them from earning a single dollar”. The changes will let athletes sign endorsement deals and hire agents to represent them which helps them get more exposure and will create a financial balance between the NCAA and the student-athletes. When the bill becomes effective the colleges in California won’t be able to compete in the NCAA because they will be breaking one of the rules by receiving money and getting endorsement deals, even though the bill will affect the colleges in California, if the NCAA does not change the rule for all schools they will then be violating one of there rules. The student-athletes work very hard and expect more due to their workload and are focused on making sure the NCAA changes there rules to help their need of providing for themselves by paying for food and shelter. The NCAA and student-athletes working together to come to a fair agreement introduce the concept of the integrative agreement which is creating an agreement with both parties that will benefit them long term. Both the NCAA and the student-athletes will benefit from the act because the NCAA will still receive its money from tv endorsements while the athletes will get money from jersey sales, video games, and their likeness. The NCAA will feel like they are losing if they allow the bill to go through because they won’t make as much money as they are now but there views to the general public they will have a better image and will be seen as an organization that takes care of their athletes and wants to see them succeed on and off the field by letting athletes get money from deals which can convince more athletes to participate in collegiate sports. The act is scheduled to be on January 1st, 2023 and will assist in altering the NCAA rules. This law has definitely opened up a ton of new opportunities for athletes to achieve success while being a student-athlete, and has also gained a lot of recognition and has broken barriers to finally begin the process of improving fairness between the NCAA and athletes. 

Several massive colleges roughly make 40 million dollars from sports game ticket sales, merchandise sales and tv deals and the athletes don’t benefit from any of it; most of that money is acquired by the school. Although the school isn’t required to pay their student-athletes money when the bill becomes effective they cannot restrict them from getting money from endorsement deals and status. While the head coach makes about 8 million dollars a year the assistant coaches are making about six figures, which creates controversy because the players are the ones who are performing each week and aren’t benefiting from the profits. Many think that just because college athletes are given scholarships that it’s enough to compensate for the amount of work that they do.