Ingroup Views About Immigrants May Be Wrong









Many Americans are not to fond of immigrants roaming on American soil.  Many place immigrants in their own group, and shine a negative light on them. It is believed that immigrants steal American jobs, housing and cause many crimes. Americans can be referred to as the “ingroup” which is the “Us” – a group of people who share a sense of belonging. The immigrants would be referred to as the “outgroup”- a group that people perceive as distinctively different from or apart from their ingroup.

Just this week, U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data shows that half of immigrants arrested in raids had only traffic convictions or no record at all.  Roughly 675 immigrants were picked up in roundups across the US days after President Trump took office. Of those 675 half had no criminal convictions or had committed traffic offense.

Being a part of the ingroup strongly influences how you think about members of the outgroup. The article being a prime example. Many American paint a picture that these immigrants are prevalent to the crimes committed in this country. When in reality immigrants aren’t adding much to the crime rate. This goes to show that ingroup vs. outgroup views can easily blur reality.




Latajia Cox