Empty Love of the Trumps

This January, a new president was sworn into the White House, Donald Trump. President Donald Trump is 70 years old with numerous children from different wives. Currently, he is married to Melania Trump. She is 47 years old and they have been married since 2005. However, they have one child together and currently, Melania Trump resides in New York City with their child, Barron Trump.

According to VanityFair, Donald and Melenia Trump have a strained marriage and have compared them to marriages of presidents in the past. Constantly in the media, they analyze the interactions the Trumps have and has concluded they’re not together for each other. This is an example of empty love, which comes from a committed relationship that lacks intimacy and passion. (Myers, 2017)

Empty love or empty marriages continue for the sake of an established institution in life. Being married with children and growing a life with someone makes it difficult for people to cut ties and separate. (Oravecz) “People marry for the sake of love and get divorced for the sake of love.” (Beck, 2014)

On the day of the inauguration, it has been known in the past the last president would greet the winning candidate along with their wife in hand. However, Donald Trump rushed out the vehicle, leaving Melanie Trump to approach them by herself. That was the first sign the media noticed the distance between the two. Hash tags such as #savemelania and #sadmelania surfaced on the web with the assumption she wasn’t happy in the marriage. (Peretz, 2017) Melania Trump has no desire to sleeping in the same bed as Donald Trump. At the moment, Melania Trump decided not to move into the White House when the President moved in. She currently lives in Manhattan however, she has been preparing to move to the White House in the summer with their son, Baron Trump. (Hosie, 2017)




Beck, Ulrich, and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. The Normal Chaos of Love. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2014. Print


Hosie, Rachel. “Relationship Expert Weighs in on Claims Donald and Melania Trump Sleep in Separate Beds.” The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 23 Mar. 2017. Web. 22 Apr. 2017.


Oravecz, Z., Muth, C., & Vandekerckhove, J. (2016). Do people agree on what makes one feel loved? A cognitive psychometric approach to the consensus on felt love. Plos ONE, 11(4),


Peretz, Evgenia. “Inside the Trump Marriage: Melania’s Burden.” The Hive. Vanity Fair, 21 Apr. 2017. Web. 22 Apr. 2017.